Faculty & Staff Achievements: May 2023


At Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, we celebrate the many contributions of the faculty and staff who make the Libraries the destination for scholarly information, creative inquiry, and intellectual collaboration across disciplines, propelling the significance, reach, and impact of the university.

Lauren Herckis, Lencia Beltran, Chaz GriegoSimon Initiative Liaison Librarian Lauren Herckis, Open Science Program Coordinator Lencia Beltran, and Open Science PostDoctoral Associate Chasz Griego submitted a proposal to the Mozilla Responsible Computing Challenge. If funded, this project will pilot test pathways to infusing the Carnegie Mellon curriculum with open science tools and practices.

Jill ChisnellSenior Librarian Jill Chisnell attended the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) 2023 conference in Mexico City in April. Chisnell was a panel speaker for the interactive session, "Imagination in Action: Cultivating Creativity in the Library & Classroom." Her presentation was titled, "A Story About Staplers, Ideas, Whimsy, Ugly Art and Procrastination." Googly eyes were involved.

ARLIS/NA 2024 will be held in Pittsburgh. Chisnell and Lynn Kawaratani, liaison to the School of Architecture, are serving as Local Arrangements co-chairs. At the ARLIS/NA annual business meeting in Mexico, Chisnell and Michele Jennings, Programming co-chair, announced details about the Pittsburgh conference, including the theme, POP!, selected by the Ohio Valley Chapter.

Haoyong LanEngineering Librarian Haoyong Lan has been appointed to the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group 2023-2025.

Alexandra HinikerSustainability Initiative Director Alexandra Hiniker spoke about Carnegie Mellon University's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals on a panel with representatives from Howard University, the Cleveland Foundation, Cleveland Mayor's Office of Sustainability, and Cleveland State University.

by Sarah Bender, Communications Coordinator

Feature image by carolyn christine on Unsplash