We celebrate the many contributions of the Libraries’ faculty and staff who make the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries the destination for scholarly information, creative inquiry and intellectual collaboration across disciplines, propelling the significance, reach and impact of the university.
Metadata Specialist Lina Crowe and University Archivist Julia Corrin presented their talk, “How Do You Solve a Problem Like 375,000 Non-Standard Metadata Records?” at the Code4Lib 2022 Conference in Buffalo, New York held May 23rd-May 26th.
Librarian Jessica Benner was elected Vice President/President Elect of the Western Association of Map Libraries. The term is from July 2022-June 2023. As President Elect, Jessica will take over as President of WAML for a one-year term in July 2023.
Psych/SDS Librarian Liaison Emily Bongiovanni presented a poster at LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries) 2022 in Odense, Denmark. The poster is based on her current OE4BW (Open Education 4 a Better World) project to develop an OER book for graduate students and early career researchers. OE4BW is an open educational resource (OER) program to support open education in relation to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Principal Librarian Sarah Young attended and presented at three conferences in June: the European Association for Health Information and Libraries, where she co-presented a workshop "Search Strategy Optimization with open access tools: Is R user-friendly enough for information specialists?; ”International Association for Social Sciences Information Services and Technology (IASSIST) Conference with a presentation entitled "Providing real-world data experiences: Libraries as clients and data providers in student consulting projects" in collaboration with Senior Librarian/Co-Director for Open Science & Data Collaborations Huajin Wang; and the inaugural Information Retrieval Meeting in Cologne, Germany, where she taught a workshop called "Introduction to R, RStudio and litsearchr."
Simon Initiative Liaison Librarian Lauren Herckis co-authored a chapter, entitled “Moving from Stated Values to Enacted Efforts: Strategic Leadership in Higher Education,” in an indexed report published by the Lebiniz Association and entitled, Digital Transformation of Higher Education (DOI: 10.21241/ssoar.79627).
Feature image of Hunt Library Service Desk (c. 1961) found in CMU Digital Collections.