SEI Research Services High Tea will take place on Wednesday, June 8, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. EDT. This year’s event, “The Future of Artificial Intelligence Engineering,” will be held virtually via Zoom for Government.
Join the High Tea virtual event via Zoom for Government at https://sei.zoomgov.com/j/1615368999?pwd=VU5Tc25LcHVUMWdsMnowaFBHYzNydz09. For more than 30 years, the Research Services team has hosted speakers on the intersection of library science and technology, followed by a reception. This year’s High Tea will focus on an ongoing effort across the Software Engineering Institute in conjunction with Carnegie Mellon University to impact the future of artificial intelligence engineering.
The agenda for High Tea 2022 will be as follows:
2:00-2:45 p.m.
- Panel Discussion: The Future of Artificial Intelligence Engineering
- Tom Longstaff, CTO, Software Engineering Institute
- Matt Gaston, director, AI Division, Software Engineering Institute
- William H. Sanders, the Dr. William D. and Nancy W. Strecker Dean of the College of Engineering at CMU and professor of electrical and computer engineering
- Rachel Dzombak, technical director, and head of digital transformation in the AI Division
2:45 -3:45 p.m.
- Artificial Intelligence: Impacts and roles for libraries
- Keith Webster, Helen, and Henry Posner Jr. Dean of Libraries
- Huajin Wang, liaison librarian, program director for Open Science and Data Collaborations, CMU Libraries
3:45 -4:00 p.m.
- Q&A for High Tea presenters from the Zoom audience
by Richard W. Lynch