The University Libraries is partnering with DNAnexus and the OpenCravatGroup at Johns Hopkins University to host a virtual hackathon titled "Clinical Reporting of MultiOmics Data!" on June 1-4, 2021. A variety of exciting projects will be built into a comprehensive reporting system for these types of data, building off of previous work from hackathons at CMU, Baylor College of Medicine, and others run by DNAnexus and NCBI.
After a brief organizational session, teams will spend four days addressing a challenging set of scientific problems related to a group of genomics datasets. Participants will analyze and combine datasets in order to work on crucial problems and opportunities in clinical bioinformatics. Throughout the four days, participants will come together to discuss progress on each of the topics, bioinformatics best practices, coding styles, etc., and will have an opportunity to collaboratively write a manuscript. Participants will receive support from data librarians and academic liaison librarians from CMU Libraries on recommended practices for data management and writing manuscripts.