Current CMU students, faculty, and staff have access to electronic library materials from off campus. All other users must be on campus and request temporary computer access to use electronic materials.
EZproxy & OpenAthens
Most databases, eBooks, and other electronic resources use OpenAthens and/or EZproxy authentication. Please access your resource and use your Andrew ID and password to log in when prompted.
If you're off campus and have problems, please report them using this form or email us at eresources@cmu.libanswers.com.
Please note: Select resources do not use EZproxy or OpenAthens. To access these databases, use the VPN method explained below.
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Desktop directions
- Visit the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client page to download appropriate version.
- See instructions for How to Use AnyConnect VPN.
- Make sure you choose the Full VPN during the log-in process. If you don’t choose Full VPN, you won’t be able to access library materials, even though the VPN is connected.
- Once you’ve logged in, open your preferred browser and go to the library website to find and access electronic resources.
- To end your VPN session, click Disconnect in the application window. VPN (Virtual Private Network) To connect to CMU resources using a VPN connection, use the Cisco AnyConnect software.
Mobile directions
- Install the appropriate app on your mobile device.
- Create a connection following these instructions.
- In the VPN window, type vpn.cmu.edu and then click ”Connect”.
- Make sure you choose the Full VPN during the log-in process. If you have not chosen the correct group, you will not be able to access Library materials despite your online status.
- Once you have logged in, please open your preferred browser and connect to the library website.
- To end your session, click Disconnect in the application window
Primary Contact(s)
Manage Information & Data
Work with our specialists to evaluate, select, and implement the tools to organize your data and keep your project on track.