Course Reserves are course-related items made available at the request of instructors. Course reserves are available online (as an e-book) 24/7 or as a physical copy held at the circulation desk for short-term use by students.
Information for Students
Finding Course Reserves
- For physical (print) and virtual course reserves (e-books), search the library catalog, under “Course Reserves” by course ID, instructor or item title. You can also go directly to virtual course reserves via "Collection Discovery," "Virtual Course Reserves."
- For physical course reserves, note the library location and call number.
- Request the item from the Circulation Desk indicated.
Using Physical Course Reserves
- Loan period: 2 hours
- Reserve items can’t be removed from the library
- Reserves can’t be renewed
- Reserve items must be returned to the lending desk
- Late fee: 50 cents per hour
Find Your Course Reserves Virtual Course Reserves
Digital Audio
Looking for digital audio reserves? Find them in the libraries catalog under “Collections Discovery,” “Music Reserves.” (Access to Music Reserves is restricted by course)
Information for Instructors
- Interested in putting items on course reserves? Please click the button below to submit a course reserves request.
- Search our catalog to see if the materials are available through the library. If not, please let us know and we will order it.
Primary Contact(s)
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