Kristin Heath

Kristin Heath


Arts and Humanities Librarian



+1 412 268 7267

Office: 410

Hunt Library


4909 Frew Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Kristin Heath is Music & Catalog Librarian and Head of Cataloging at Carnegie Mellon University. She holds a Bachelor of Music degree in oboe performance from Ohio University (Athens, OH), and a M.S. in Library and Information Science degree from Simmons College (Boston, MA). Kristin is responsible for answering music related reference questions, cataloging music scores, building collections which are closely suited to the needs the School of Music, creating Research Guides, teaching Music Research Methods 57-901, providing instruction sessions as requested for other School of Music courses, and participating in committee work within the University Libraries and the School of Music. She has served as Secretary/Treasurer and Chair of the Music Library Association, Atlantic Chapter.