Book Review - Manic: a memoir

Book Review - Manic: a memoir

For the latest post on "Back in the Stacks," Cataloging Specialist Jan Hardy reviews "Manic: a memoir" by Terri Cheney.

There’s a prescription drug commercial that shows a woman in the throes of bipolar mania, shopping, cleaning, or working in an office at a furious pace. The camera pulls back to reveal her standing on top of a house of cards, the medication presumably slowing her down and bringing her back to earth. Terri Cheney’s "Manic" describes what happens in those buzzing highs, productive at first but finally destructive, and what happens when the cards come tumbling down, leaving Cheney in the immobility of depression.

Read more on Back in the Stacks.

Learn how the Libraries are observing Mental Health Awareness Month.