

Mendeley is a free tool to help you organize and manage PDFs. It allows you to cite sources in Word and create bibliographies in nearly any citation style with the click of a button. If you’re not already using a citation management tool, or are looking to explore other options plan to attend one of our many Mendeley workshops to help you get started and save you hours of time when writing papers or your dissertation.

Getting Started


Launch Mendeley


  1. To obtain your Mendeley access, you will first need to create an account using your Andrew user email.
  2. You will be automatically added to the CMU institutional group on Mendeley. If not, please contact us to ensure that you're added.

Learn more in the Mendeley Research Guide.



Primary Contact(s)

Ethan Pullman

Ethan Pullman

First Year Writing Support & Open Educational Resources Specialist



Manage Information & Data

Work with our specialists to evaluate, select, and implement the tools to organize your data and keep your project on track.